Egypt, Album of Impressions, arr
- In the Temple of Memphis
- By the Waters of the Nile
- Egyptian Boat Song
- Funeral March of the Great Ramses
- Songs of the Spirits of the Nile
- Schott, 1913
- Duration: 00:08:00
- sale order number: ED 1436
- dedicated: "To my friend Mrs Marie Russak, that enlightened Seer who brought back for me the memory of my past Egyptian lives"

English Waltz
- Elkin, 1919
- dedicated to Percy Grainger
- composed ca 1900
- performed by Grainger in 1902 on Adelina Patti's provincial tour
- London: Novello, 1903;
- rev ed: London: Elkin 1919
Etude, pf, op. 64, no. 1
subtitle: Allegro
- Elkin, 1908
Etude, pf, op. 64, no. 2
subtitle: Allegro con brio
- Elkin, 1908